The Nev Appreciation Blog



Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Nev quote of the day

"aww... Sanjeev's wonderful!"

nev, i wholeheartedly agree.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Sin. Terrible, terrible sin..

I commited a great sin today, I insulted Nev! I used the Lord's name in vain and he was very discontented with me, I have to say.

He is a very proper Gentleman, that Nev, I remember in Year 12 I was in the Maths corridoor talking about sex and Nev told me that it was not the place for such sordid talk. I promptly shut-up, or thou shall not outstep Nev's Commands.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

mmm non alcoholic wine

another reason we love nev...
his uber-fun maths parties.